Thursday, 14 April 2011

How did you attract/address your audience?

In our audience research on survey monkey we found that the majority of people (58%) preferred if the opening credits were shown through the opening scene. The type of text was really important as this would have influenced the emotion of the viewer. After some experimenting we found that the simple font used was more effective and understandable rather than a font that would have been written in graffiti style handwriting. 

In some of the transition scenes we left the screen blank due to the fact that we didn't have enough editing footage to continue our movie in one scene. This did not vastly effect the viewing experience but it could have been produced better and efficiently if it was shot again so the audience viewing time would not be delayed. 

To get my product out there and to increase the views of my video (therefore increasing the chances of audience feedback) I posted up my video on youtube and then on my facebook where it would show up on all my friends home pages. Youtube and Facebook are two of the many free ways to market films and are especially important when on a low budget. 

During our production stages there was a discussion about what ending to choose for the opening scene. Due to us not having much time we had to rely on the feedback that we got from our peers to decide which ending to choose. The problem that we found with the first alternative ending was that the graffiti type font was not easily recognizable by everyone and some people mistook the "K" for an "R" and this would have caused confusion if we had put this in our final draft. The second alternative ending was favored by some peers but not by all as it was too plain but it would have fitted in with the previous fonts. In the end we decided to go with the final alternative which can be seen in the final draft.

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