Monday 31 January 2011

The Shooting Script

Original Shooting script

NOTE: shooting script may change depending on location
“Filming in progress” sign needs to be made and placed before the alley way so people don’t think its actually real.

This was our original shooting scrip, however during production the bike was no longer available so we had to shoot the footage but with Damien walking hence the reason the storyboard is different. 

It’s a cloudy day with little sun. Damien is about to leave his house but is making sure his bike is good and running just outside. Currently, his bike is upside down while he makes some adjustments.

TIME (aprox)
Low angle shot of back bicycle wheel turning. Camera is facing upwards at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.
Pleonastic sound of clicking of bottom bracket in back wheel
Cut to: Damien picking up bike so that it is the right way up. Camera starts from low angle shot from handle bars and slowly tilts up


Natural Diagetic
Cut to: Back wheel of bike falling on the floor, (possibly in slow motion)
Pleonastic sound of tire hitting ground
Low angle shot of Damiens hand testing brakes. His hand and brakes are at bottom left corner of screen and at first camera is focused on his hands but with manual focus we loose focus of his hand and can see his face at which we see him give a nod of satisfaction to his work.

Pleonastic sound of brakes tightening.
Damien then gets onto his bike. Shown with Low angle shot 1 foot away from rear of bike, highest point in the frame that is visible of Damiens body is his waist and lowest point is the ground. Damiens hand reaches into his pocket.

Cut to: Close up match on action shot of Damiens hand getting his phone out.
Cut to: Damien using phone, low angle shot, phone is close to camera but we can see Damiens face and body above.
Cut to: Back to Match on action close up of phone in Damiens hand as he chooses the song he wants to play.



Music turns on in sync as he presses play. The audio soundtrack is all we can hear at the moment.
Damien puts his phone back into his pocket and rides off. Low angle shot from waist as Damien rides past camera

Damien starts riding his bike on the pavement.
Tracking shot can be done by using a bmx with stunt pegs on back (one person riding bike and camera man standing on pegs on back of bike)

Cut to tracking shot: Camera tracking shot is on road filming Damien as he’s riding his bike.
Cut to: Over the shoulder shot from Damien looking at a group of youths on other side of road.
Cut to: low angle shot from group of youths talking, camera rises upwards until we see the youth notice Damien and turns head towards him. In the shot we see Damien riding past in the background but two youths are in the frame.
Cut to: Close up of Damien’s face, staring at the youths (remember to use rule of third) and Damien then looks away and continues riding.



Damien approaches the end of the road and stops, ready to cross and is looking for traffic both ways.

Tracking long shot going past Damien as he is at the end of the road.
Damien crosses the road, and starts riding on road 2 (Bensham Manor road)

Tracking shot on road showing Damien riding his bike on pavement.

As Damien reaches the alley way he realises his shoe lace is undone and stops to do it up and as he goes to do his shoe lace he sees a group of youths bullying a girl.

Over the shoulder shot of Damien as he’s riding bike, camera tilts downwards to show his undone shoelace.

Cut to:  low angle shot of Damien looking downwards at his laces.

Cut to: Match on action of Damien stopping the bike with the brakes.

Cut to: Mid shot of Damien getting off bike and kneeling down to the floor and gets his phone out to stop music

Cut to: Match on action shot close up of phone in hand showing him pressing stop

Cut back to: Mid shot of Damien about to do shoe laces but looks up

Cut to: over the shoulder shot of Damien looking up to see the 3 youths bullying the younger youth halfway 
down the alley way.

Cut to: Wide shot (a quarter way up the alley way) showing Damien looking at the youths.











Voices of youths and younger youth
Damien gets back onto his bike but keeps glancing down the alley way.

Medium close up shot from his head height as he gets up to go on his bike and rides away it turns into a mid shot.
As Damien is riding away from the alley way he has a sudden change of mind and pauses while his conscience battles with his feelings whether he should go back and help or not.

Mid shot of Damien riding bike, camera is slightly tilted upwards and his face is very clear.
Cut to: Match on action close up of hand pulling brakes
Cut to: Match on action of back tire skidding
Cut to: Close up shot to extreme close up shot of Damiens face as he gets closer to the camera.
Sudden pause of around 5 seconds as he decides what to do.



Pleonastic sound of tire skidding
Damien turns around and starts riding the other way,
As he does so the camera tilts upwards and the name of the movie is revealed through editing.


Damien leaving his house in his council estate

Damien (mid shot) outside his house getting ready to walk out

(Match on action shot) Damien presses play on his phone which is synchronized with the non diagetic music

Damien is walking through his town roads

Damien sees two youths trying to rob a person

Damien walks away but he stops for a moment and has second thoughts on whether he should help or not

Damien is about to intervene with the confrontation and this is where the opening scene cuts and we see the title of the movie

I used an electronic smartboard to create these images as they would has stood out much better than pen and paper when put on the computer.

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