Time and Date of Filming:
Wednesday 23rd Feburary 2011, 7.00am onwards
Actors and Crew
Director/ editor- Anid Bytyci
Producer- Kayan Patel
Adobe after effects- Graham Oddoye
Damien Taze -Michael Oddoye
Youths-Graham Oddoye
Savion Bepot
Youth in trouble- Shey Hinds-meikle
This is the camera that we used to do our filming |
This was the production logo that Graham created using adobe after affects using a tutorial from VIDEO COPILOT. This is a sight where they teach you how to use the software in order to create many different pieces. Graham used the original piece which is copyright free and then changed the bottom name to Astro Productions which we decided would be the name if our company were to be real.
This is the video tutorial site on video copilot…
These music soundtracks are from someone who claims on their website that the music is free for anyone to use. And these videos were some of the alternatives that we had for the soundtrack. We found this on google by typing in "grime instrumental" and then found his youtube site which contains many useful music soundtracks that could be used for other scenes.